Scott Elyard Art

Scott has been a naturalist and an artist since his teenage years, painting with watercolor, acrylics, oils, and digital tablet styli on computer systems ranging from big iron to laptops and tiny computer phones.

He's also been a graphic designer since 1990, when he discovered a laser printer was a marvelous thing and misused it for personal publishing projects in high school.

2016 #Sciart Tweetstorm Day 1: What's In Scott's Sketchamaphotoshopobook?

Deinocheirus! As might be inferred from the title of this post, this is what's in my image-editing application at the moment (among other things, but for sciart, am I going to share those? Obviously not).

This is an intermediate state wherein I block out the areas to be converted to vector. The colors are to keep me from being confused when I zoom in; I don't want gaps in some areas, nor much overlap in others. Proper colors will be applied after it's vectorized in Illustrator.


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