
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Yo! Alaskans! Don’t forget to file for your today! 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow It’s the end of the year of our Lord 2022 and I got Flying Toasters screensaver to work on my Mac Studio… 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Tsintaosaurus modern version vs "classic" version 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow I love getting late Christmas prezzies in the mail 💜 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow As 2022 draws to a close, I realize the only art I’ve finished were my paintings “Winter Moon/Troodon in the Rushes… 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Daisy laying siege to some of my books 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Everyone get out your thigh-high boots and red nappies - we're going hunting for Eternals 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow For all the folk saying “iT wAsN’T tHe pIzZa BoXeS!” Lol, lmao cops lie all the time & if I were a cop, I would n… 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow 1 year 6 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow I must be missing some vital gut flora, because this is all I want to eat and drink forever 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Thank you all for the well-wishes for my ancient little kitty! If you see this follow-up post, be sure to check out… 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Me, coming into the office on a Monday 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow And I thought paleontology had drama 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow I have yet to see one of those Punisher-sticker-clad “MOLAN LABE” lifted poodle-ass trucks so many Wasilla boys dri… 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow My cat’s b-day is/was sometime this month - she’s 19 years old! A merry unbirthday to Buyo! 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Ok, but if you get a new dishwasher, then both you and your mom can be stumped as to how to load it 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Anyone who said “being against A/I art or criticizing it is racist/colonialist” can fuck off, keep fucking off, jum… 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow DaShareZ0ne is a good one - please donate today 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow Was anyone going to tell me my giant, shit-brown aircraft carrier of a tanker desk was worth stupid money or was I… 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
Raven Amos (@Cubelight)???????????? ???? @alaskanime Follow I would buy these from the Pay 'n Save for stocking stuffers for mom when I was a kid. We used the egg-shaped conta… 1 year 7 months ago Reply Retweet Favorite
